Sunday, June 26, 2011

"larger than life" by BSB

donnie walberg can't sing but he has a frikkin nice ass body...kudos to the walhberg brothers.

it was a good concert. im partially deaf due to the high pitched squeals of 30-40-50 year olds reliving 1989 and 1999 but it was good.

thanks for the early bday gift, chewy! wear the $40 shirt with pride...haha.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

"maniac" by michael sambello

so im a DNF. i wear it sadly.
i didnt complete a crossfit class but i did attend and i did want to throw up and i did end up frikkin sore. so i musta gotten something out of the class. i also yelled at the instructors to stop yelling at me. haha. then i pouted and sat on the ground. looking back i was being really childish but dayam...its a free class and im really out of shape.

can you find me?
"i'm a maniac, maniac" as hong would say.

what they did:
warm up - 400m run, 20 air squats, 20 push-ups, 400m run
sets of 21-15-9 of ring pull ups, crossfit sit ups, wall ball, lunges
cool down - plank, side planks, in and outs, stretches

what i did:
warm up - 400m run, 20 air squats, 20 push-ups
1 set of 21 of ring pull ups, 21 crossfit sit ups, 21 wall ball, 6 lunges
cool down - plank, side planks, in and outs, stretches

lame, thy name is mai.

Friday, June 3, 2011

"give into me" by faith hill

this is so romantic im going to throw up.

throw up.