i think the reason vampires are so attractive is that they are the epitomy of romantic. they all seem to have this undying sense of eternal love...of forever...that seems completely negated by our new concept of things like divorce, promiscuity, emails instead hand written letters...
the kind that has been lost for centuries. the kind of old school behavior that is now considered ancient, and that loss has become romanticized in vampires.
the thought of living through previous lives and knowing first hand how to lose someone you love...how they are the reason for your existence...of wanting something so much...of being something to want to die for...to the simple thought of the properness of their being. victorian style dresses and pale skin...
vampires always seem so seductive and always seem to speak properly...
i think we as a generation lack the chivalry that generations in the past have...holding the doors for women, giving up their seat for the elderly, opening the car door, paying for the bill, kissing the girls hand, ballroom dancing, masquerade balls, calligraphy...
sexist or not, i find it romantic.
i know vampires don't exist, but i wish romance did.
I totally agree with you. I think thats why i am so obsessed with twilight. The whole idea of romance.. hong