Sunday, October 30, 2011

"thriller" by michael jackson

the transformation...
my dad and uncle tried on his was frikkin hilarious.
it was hard to make those chubby cheeks look sunken in...
so trying to put on the wound was hard bc his neck is SOOOO dark and even my darkest foundation made it look pasted on.
i think my right side was my good side. this is his meanness picture, btw.
scary suits me i think. my dad took more pictures of me last night then at my graduation. epic fail for grand achievements.

the house party.
apparently i wasn't supposed to smile. only time of year no one wanted me to smile in my pictures.

this is how zombies walk...and they make the noise "roar!" or "yip yip yip yip". haha.
sleepy and boom hard.
 even scary smiling...
still sleepy?
headache and sore throat? bad doctor. bad.

happy halloween guys.