Thursday, November 10, 2011

"hey jude" by the beatles

i love the beatles. i know people always say this but i feel like i was born the wrong era...

how beautiful the misery and love. i kinda wish i could've skipped the techno beat era...never a fan...

i miss the dollar theaters.

i would really like to go to a drive-in...maybe i'll wear a poodle skirt. hehe.

movies...oh how ill sit through even a bad one.
its beautiful how characters in a movie can make you feel a certain way...

man, i love them...

Jim Sturgess
Mark Ruffalo
Sandra Bullock
Mandy Moore
Adrian Grenier
Susan Sarandon
Meryl Streep

Friday, November 4, 2011

"promises and empty words" by scars on 45

i always reminisce today.

it reminds of my shortcomings and disappointments. its no secret that i've done some messed up things...never with ill-intentions but somehow misconstrued...its easy to make excuses and pass blame. today, i blame no one but myself...

i'm sorry. i'm sorry for the things i've done...and not sorry for being a disappointment and for causing pain. i'm sorry, for lots of things.

today i ask for forgiveness...maybe one day.

maybe one day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"thriller" by michael jackson

the transformation...
my dad and uncle tried on his was frikkin hilarious.
it was hard to make those chubby cheeks look sunken in...
so trying to put on the wound was hard bc his neck is SOOOO dark and even my darkest foundation made it look pasted on.
i think my right side was my good side. this is his meanness picture, btw.
scary suits me i think. my dad took more pictures of me last night then at my graduation. epic fail for grand achievements.

the house party.
apparently i wasn't supposed to smile. only time of year no one wanted me to smile in my pictures.

this is how zombies walk...and they make the noise "roar!" or "yip yip yip yip". haha.
sleepy and boom hard.
 even scary smiling...
still sleepy?
headache and sore throat? bad doctor. bad.

happy halloween guys.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"just n image" by ace of base

today is going to be a public service annoucement. oh yes, brace yourself. i'm getting all educational on you guys!

so apparently anything in excess is bad for you. see above image. more may not mean better peoples. the new trenta starbucks cups is ridiculous. i mean seriously, unless you plan on splitting it with 2 other peoples.  

below i enourage you all to log on and read the article. a brief synopsis would be that people that drink massive amounts of caffeine are more likely to hear things that arent there. thats right. if you, my friend, are a high dose caffeine may have imaginary friends. 

so in short, if you want to not be lonely, maybe buy a trenta. (my favorite is the iced caramel macchiato.)

image reference:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"give me something" by scars on 45

i really like this group. i saw them when they opened for OMD (yes, yes that does give away my age) and bought the CD that day because they were awesome. then the past week i've been listening to a strange CD in my car and i kept replaying it over and over...then when i removed it, it was non-other than Scars on 45! i love discovering things i've done well in the past...makes me feel like i did something right.

so even over time, i still like their music. all 4 songs on the LP i like. i've even been listening on their official website.

they remind me of another group that i LOVE...No Second Troy.

i was a groupie for awhile when i was living up i just adore them from afar...but i do check their tours to see if they come to the south sometimes...

ok im done for today. remember. check it out. listen & love them. doctors orders.

Monday, August 29, 2011

"tired of waiting for you" by the kinks

 it definitely was surprise for all of us. happy butt-day old friend.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"here comes the sun" by the beatles

here are some highlights to my friend's wedding...aww soo happy for them both...stressful days but happy wedding...

quotable quotes:

"shoulder biting window licker" - i have no idea, some legal mumble jumbo.
"she's the father" - the female cousin that stood in for joyce's father.
"runaway grandmothers" - we knew they would be trouble.
"always the bridesmaid, never the bride" - spoken by Troy, a married man.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"the lazy song" by bruno mars

where do i begin? long has it been since ive been to the circus? FOREVER...and the highlights of the night...seeing my dad and cousin sleep through it...then seeing my cousin work behind the counter at the food stand. haha.
now what did i do in missouri with my family? we all sat around the table until like 2-3 am everyday playing games on macs, ipads, iphones...went to the casio and won $50 --- despite what my aunt tells you!...ate at the buffet...watched movies...practically did was awesome. oh and we got mani/pedis! the ultimate in being pampered.
so on the way to carthage theres a precious moments chapel/museum. its pretty cool. i mean it has a statue garden, museum and chapel that was all designed by one person...pretty amazing. and cute.
happy birthday to my childhood longest running (yet) was fun...line dancing. crown. goose. vomiting and memories. love it. happy birthday friend.

oh i was the only one that caught anything...and despite it being about the size of a my hand -- i caught it -- im awesome. that's right, awesome. you're very welcome for knowing me. haha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"she drives me crazy" by fine young cannibals.

a haiku named fleas.

fleas how i hate thee
lost my mind and rash, i scratch 
i am so very itchy.

*picture borrowed from

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"sea of love" by the honeydrippers

"i never realize how much i like being home unless i've been somewhere really different for awhile." - juno macguff

truer words have never been spoken...

its just strange how minuscule your life may seem in comparison to others. sometimes it puts things in much you should cherish the moments you have. and as much as i complain, i do appreciate how blessed my life is.

there are so many things to feel many things that can make you sad.

war. rape. abortion. violence. death. loss. endings.

i hope that part of me that i remember once upon a time keeps the happiness in my heart.

so thank you everyone - small, big...past, present...future. thank you for making my life blessed.

Friday, July 29, 2011

"friends in low places" by garth brooks

a catfish that weighs as much as me. apparently, word on the street is it used to be 120 lbs but for health reasons they put it on a diet! 

gotta love missouri.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

"higher" by taio cruz

thanks living was fun...i fell once and ive figured out that aire is a spider monkey...and aire doesnt follow directions well.
for those of you that have rock climbed...ive changed climb-climb on to die-die on bc aire doesnt really listen to the commands anyways. 

but luckily, i survived.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"i wanna go" by britney spears

congratulations joyce!

"don't put it in!"

bad hangovers. good times.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"margaritaville" by jimmy buffett

wish you were here...

"everybody" by ingrid michaelson

thanks everyone for coming out...thoughts, love and wishes!

it was a good era...

1 <3 you guys!