Saturday, July 30, 2011

"sea of love" by the honeydrippers

"i never realize how much i like being home unless i've been somewhere really different for awhile." - juno macguff

truer words have never been spoken...

its just strange how minuscule your life may seem in comparison to others. sometimes it puts things in much you should cherish the moments you have. and as much as i complain, i do appreciate how blessed my life is.

there are so many things to feel many things that can make you sad.

war. rape. abortion. violence. death. loss. endings.

i hope that part of me that i remember once upon a time keeps the happiness in my heart.

so thank you everyone - small, big...past, present...future. thank you for making my life blessed.

Friday, July 29, 2011

"friends in low places" by garth brooks

a catfish that weighs as much as me. apparently, word on the street is it used to be 120 lbs but for health reasons they put it on a diet! 

gotta love missouri.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

"higher" by taio cruz

thanks living was fun...i fell once and ive figured out that aire is a spider monkey...and aire doesnt follow directions well.
for those of you that have rock climbed...ive changed climb-climb on to die-die on bc aire doesnt really listen to the commands anyways. 

but luckily, i survived.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"i wanna go" by britney spears

congratulations joyce!

"don't put it in!"

bad hangovers. good times.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"margaritaville" by jimmy buffett

wish you were here...

"everybody" by ingrid michaelson

thanks everyone for coming out...thoughts, love and wishes!

it was a good era...

1 <3 you guys!